Organic. Well known and can be seen in every supermarket. Organic has now become the universal term for healthy and sustainable food. For us, as a manufacturer of
organic breakfast
it is, of course, particularly central. However, many people buy organic products and try to live "bio" without really knowing what is behind the term. This is what we want to clarify today.
Organic and its origin
The forerunners of the organic movement developed early in the 19th century. However, these were associations that were mainly concerned with awareness and nutrition. They focused on a whole food diet and especially on vegetarianism. The natural food at that time consisted mainly of vegetables. In doing so, the followers tried to find foods that were free of any additives and additional treatment. Even then, foodstuffs were prepared to enable a longer shelf life, for example. As early as the 1920s, a number of voices were raised in favour of biodynamic agriculture.
This natural food movement found its highest popularity during the hippie era. The first shops where you could buy organic products had already been established in Germany. During these years, the first associations developed that wanted to focus not only on low-processed food but also on the organic cultivation of the same. In the mid-1980s, there were already 2,000 farms in Germany that cultivated organically. The organic seal was officially founded in 2000. This was launched by the EU and means that products have been grown organically. In terms of sales, organic has definitely entered the mainstream – the turnover here is now more than 10 billion euros annually.
So why organic?
Many people will now ask themselves: Why should I buy organic products? This question is easy to answer.
No pesticides and sprays
Organic products are generally considered to be of higher quality than commercial products. Those who have been awarded the organic seal of approval refrain from using pesticides and other spray agents. Only special plant protection products may be used. Commercial products, on the other hand, are sprayed and processed with more extreme means. However, the fact that this has an impact on health has not yet been researched. This is mainly due to the fact that long-term studies have not yet been conducted. It is assumed that the pesticides, which are 3-5 times higher in commercial products than in organic products, still pose a risk to health. However, it has now been sufficiently proven that pesticides and spray agents have a negative effect on the environment and also on bees.
Organic is more nutritious
Those who buy organic also usually buy more nutrient-rich foods. For example, studies confirmed that organic products contain on average 27.0% more vitamin C, 21.1% more iron, 29.3% more magnesium and 13.6% more phosphorus. In addition, organic products contain 15.1% less nitrates than their comparison group. What is also relevant for health concerns is the additional burden of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. For example, studies show that buying pork and chicken from an organic farm can reduce the concentration of these bacteria. Organic meat, therefore, basically means that there is a lower risk of contamination from antibiotics. It can definitely be said that stricter guidelines must be followed on organic farms. Not only concerning the feed of the animals but also regarding their keeping. This inevitably leads to a higher quality or more sustainable type of agriculture.
The taste of organic
A much-discussed topic is also whether organic foods taste better than others. This may be subjective for many people – but many studies do not prove a clear conclusion. Some studies have found that organic products taste better than commercial ones, while other studies have found just the opposite. Therefore, there isn't a unified opinion here. What can definitely be said, however, is that placebo plays a significant role here. If you want to take care of yourself and buy organic, you will likely find that it tastes better – even if it's just imagination. However, this should not deter you from considering organic products as higher-value goods – because that is definitely the case.
Organic and the environment
So, is organic a panacea for the big issue of the climate crisis? Unfortunately, no. Organic gives an indication of the circumstances under which products are produced. These are uniformly regulated throughout the EU, are regularly checked, and labelled with a seal of quality. Therefore, organic stands above all for transparency.
However, a switch to organic alone is not the solution to all environmental problems. Although less chemistry is used in the cultivation of organic food, and both food and the environment are thus spared, there are still many other factors that must not be ignored.
If you want to pay attention to the environment, you should not just look at an organic seal. An organic seal alone is often not enough, because if tomatoes come from Chile, for example, but have an organic seal on the packaging, it does not mean that it is better for the environment. For instance, the ecological footprint is still immense for long-distance product routes. The rule here is: less is more. So, you should try to buy as regionally and seasonally as possible, maybe even directly at the farm. The diet, i.e. whether you eat a vegetarian or vegan diet, also has a major impact on your own ecological footprint. Here is a comparison: 1 kg of beef causes 22 kg of greenhouse gases and consumes 15,400 litres of water. A person in Austria eats an average of 60kg of meat per year. That's quite a lot.
A biological conclusion
Biological and ecological solutions make perfect sense. The purchase of organic products from Austria also supports local businesses that may no longer be able to survive on the commercial market. Organic is not only available for fruit, vegetables and meat – organic is now ubiquitous.
At Verival, we produce all our products organically . We are proud of that. So, if you have had enough of dry facts, history and discussions, you are welcome to visit our website . We love organic and especially breakfast. Because particularly with the most important meal of the day, you should pay attention to what you eat. 😉