The Body Mass Index (BMI) is intended to indicate whether a person is normal, overweight, or underweight. A BMI calculator is often used for the BMI calculation.
Thus, the BMI combines body weight and height into a single value.
This is quite informative – but only to a limited extent for strength athletes and bodybuilders. A person's state of health can be determined more accurately in other ways.
In this article, you will learn what BMI says about strength athletes and what other measures there are for physical health. You will also learn about how BMI can be influenced .
Do strength athletes and bodybuilders have a higher BMI?
The BMI is a value between 12 (extremely underweight) and > 40 (severe obesity), which indicates whether you have a healthy weight for your height.
The example of strength athletes and bodybuilders clearly shows that a high BMI does not always mean that you are too fat. According to the BMI calculator, these two groups of people are often overweight.
Muscles are heavier than fat , because they store significantly more water. Muscular people are therefore heavier on average than untrained people. The BMI thus proves to be an inaccurate indicator here.
A BMI calculator is based on a simple principle. Weight is divided by height squared. And thus, a human body is reduced to these two sized.
Although BMI is interpreted differently depending on age and gender , all other individual characteristics do not play a role.
The BMI may therefore be used, at most, as an indication for non-athletes. However, if an athlete is overweight according to the BMI , they do not have to take this result too seriously.
Underweight is not uncommon among endurance athletes and in itself is not a cause for concern. Nevertheless, one should always keep an eye on one's own weight and health .
BMI in male strength athletes
According to the BMI table, an average young man should have a mass of 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2, i.e. a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 . With increasing age, a higher value is also acceptable.

In experienced strength athletes, a healthy BMI begins in the area of obesity. They often have a BMI between 25 and 29.9.
Very well-trained bodybuilders sometimes even have a body mass of over 30 kg/m2 . This would make them obese according to the table.
BMI in female strength athletes
Normal weight women have a BMI between 17.5 and 24 kg/m2 . As with men, this value may increase over the years.

Female strength athletes often move significantly above a BMI of 24 and are more likely to approach the 30th percentile.
Can bodybuilders and strength athletes also have a lower BMI?
There are several factors that a BMI calculator always disregards, such as genetic predisposition (physique) and personal fitness.
The above-mentioned BMI is also a standard value for bodybuilders. Innate characteristics such as bone density can make a significant difference in weight.
Therefore, as a bodybuilder, you should not worry if your BMI is below 25. As you build muscle , your weight will automatically go up – and so will your BMI.

That's why bodybuilders and strength athletes should only see BMI as a guide!
For bodybuilders and strength athletes , the BMI calculation alone cannot be enough to decide on their physical condition. There are other readings that provide more insight. 1
This includes, for example, the waist-to-hip ratio. In athletes, it is often low (0.7-0.8). This is because they usually store less fat in the abdomen than untrained people.
Their waist circumference is therefore smaller in relation to the hip. Women also have a lower waist-hip quotient on average.
Bodybuilders and strength athletes will also often check their body fat percentage using scales.
This gives them two fairly accurate indications of their personal fitness.
How you can influence your BMI with a healthy diet & strength training
If you want to change your weight – and thus your BMI – you should pay attention to the right type of exercise and a suitable diet . High-protein, low-fat, and low-sugar diets are the basis for an active life.
Combined with sporting activity, it helps build muscle and burn fat.
Endurance sports are more likely to make you lose weight. Strength training builds significantly more muscle, and you will gain weight in the long run.
In both cases, your diet should consist of these components:
- Long-chain carbohydrates , for example from oats , which provide long-lasting energy
- Proteins that promote muscle building after exercise. The German Nutrition Society recommends a mix of vegetable proteins ( nuts , seeds, poppies) and animal proteins (potatoes, yogurt, milk) 2
- Add vitamin donors to your taste: berries , apples, stone fruit – or a banana for an energy boost and a decent dose of magnesium
An ideal breakfast is, for example, the VERIVAL protein muesli or porridge for athletes : it is rich in essential amino acids from oatmeal . This makes it suitable for anyone who wants to change their BMI and adopt a healthier lifestyle.
1.Petri C, Mascherini G, Bini V, et al. Integrated total body composition versus body mass index in young athletes. Minerva Pediatr . Published online June 2020. doi: 10.23736/S0026-4946.16.04439-X
2.King D, Carlsohn A, Braun H, et al. Proteins in sports nutrition. Position of the working group sports nutrition of the German Nutrition Society (DGE). Nutrition. Nutrition Review. Published online July 15, 2020:132-139. doi: 10.4455/eu.2020.039