Weight loss

The two most important factors when it comes to losing weight in a healthy way are a healthy diet and physical activity. In our magazine, we give you lots of tips on how to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way with a healthy breakfast and physical activity.

Weight loss

BMI Rechner für Kinder - Idealgewicht berechnen

BMI Calculator for Children – Calculate Ideal W...

The Body Mass Index is not only helpful for adults, but it is also an important measure for calculating ideal weight in children. The BMI can provide valuable information about...

Alexandra Wiesinger

BMI Calculator for Children – Calculate Ideal W...

The Body Mass Index is not only helpful for adults, but it is also an important measure for calculating ideal weight in children. The BMI can provide valuable information about...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Intervallfasten - alles was du wissen solltest!

Intermittent Fasting: All the Tips on Intermitt...

Some people want to lose a few pounds, while others benefit from its positive effects on health. Intermittent fasting enjoys great popularity, and for good reason. You can find out...

Nicolas Dworak

Intermittent Fasting: All the Tips on Intermitt...

Some people want to lose a few pounds, while others benefit from its positive effects on health. Intermittent fasting enjoys great popularity, and for good reason. You can find out...

Nicolas Dworak
Warum steht der BMI (Body Mass Index) unter Kritik?

Why is BMI (Body Mass Index) under criticism?

The body mass index BMI has long been used as an indicator to determine overweight and underweight. Nowadays, however, the BMI calculator is being criticized more and more frequently. Find...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Why is BMI (Body Mass Index) under criticism?

The body mass index BMI has long been used as an indicator to determine overweight and underweight. Nowadays, however, the BMI calculator is being criticized more and more frequently. Find...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Die Geschichte des BMI (Body Mass Index)

The History of BMI (Body Mass Index)

In the following article you will find out more about the history of the BMI. The body mass index, or BMI for short, is a guideline for evaluating human body...

Alexandra Wiesinger

The History of BMI (Body Mass Index)

In the following article you will find out more about the history of the BMI. The body mass index, or BMI for short, is a guideline for evaluating human body...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Haselnüsse dick

Hazelnuts: Do They Contribute to Weight Gain?

Again and again, one reads about the high calorie density and fat content in hazelnuts. But does that automatically mean they're fattening? We got to the bottom of this question...

Dominik Wendl

Hazelnuts: Do They Contribute to Weight Gain?

Again and again, one reads about the high calorie density and fat content in hazelnuts. But does that automatically mean they're fattening? We got to the bottom of this question...

Dominik Wendl
Kohlenhydrate - die perfekten Energielieferanten

Muesli Diet – Can I Really Lose Weight with Mue...

Cereal can help you lose weight! It contains a lot of fiber and carbohydrates that keep you full for a long time. You can find details on how the cereal...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Muesli Diet – Can I Really Lose Weight with Mue...

Cereal can help you lose weight! It contains a lot of fiber and carbohydrates that keep you full for a long time. You can find details on how the cereal...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Diese Porridge Fehler machen dick

Do carbohydrates make you gain weight?

Not all carbs make you fat! They are an important source of energy for our bodies. Here you will learn all about the good carbohydrates and why you should incorporate...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Do carbohydrates make you gain weight?

Not all carbs make you fat! They are an important source of energy for our bodies. Here you will learn all about the good carbohydrates and why you should incorporate...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Gesunde Ernährung

Dietary Change: This Is How It Works in the Lon...

Anyone who has ever tried to gain new energy through a change in diet, live a healthier life, and perhaps even lose a few kilos knows that it is not...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Dietary Change: This Is How It Works in the Lon...

Anyone who has ever tried to gain new energy through a change in diet, live a healthier life, and perhaps even lose a few kilos knows that it is not...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Nasch dich schlank mit Nüssen

Snack on Nuts

Nuts used to have a bad reputation and were said to be too fatty and high in calories for a healthy diet. However, this perception has now changed. If you...

Victoria Schwabl

Snack on Nuts

Nuts used to have a bad reputation and were said to be too fatty and high in calories for a healthy diet. However, this perception has now changed. If you...

Victoria Schwabl
Abnehmen mit Haferflocken

Losing Weight with Oatmeal – Living Healthier w...

Oatmeal is a real superfood! It is full of important vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for your body. Thanks to the numerous fibers and proteins, these nutritious flakes can...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Losing Weight with Oatmeal – Living Healthier w...

Oatmeal is a real superfood! It is full of important vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for your body. Thanks to the numerous fibers and proteins, these nutritious flakes can...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Porridge zum Abnehmen - wie dir Haferbrei hilft schlanker zu werden

Weight Loss Porridge – How Oatmeal Can Help You...

The popular oatmeal, originally from the UK, is gaining popularity at breakfast tables around the world. Supposedly, porridge also helps with weight loss!


Weight Loss Porridge – How Oatmeal Can Help You...

The popular oatmeal, originally from the UK, is gaining popularity at breakfast tables around the world. Supposedly, porridge also helps with weight loss!

Machen Overnight Oats dick? Vermeide diese 5 Fehler!

Do Overnight Oats Make You Fat? Avoid These 5 M...

With well-chosen ingredients for your overnight oats, you are guaranteed to start your day full of energy and well-being. Find out how to do it here!

Alexandra Wiesinger

Do Overnight Oats Make You Fat? Avoid These 5 M...

With well-chosen ingredients for your overnight oats, you are guaranteed to start your day full of energy and well-being. Find out how to do it here!

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Diese Porridge Fehler machen dick

These 5 Porridge Mistakes Can Make You Gain Wei...

Porridge can also become a real thickener if prepared incorrectly! Therefore, avoid these five mistakes.

Alexandra Wiesinger

These 5 Porridge Mistakes Can Make You Gain Wei...

Porridge can also become a real thickener if prepared incorrectly! Therefore, avoid these five mistakes.

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger

Our Diet Determines Our Weight – Is That True?

Whether you gain or lose weight is determined not only by your calorie balance or exercise routine, but also by a combination of several factors. Some of these are genetic...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Our Diet Determines Our Weight – Is That True?

Whether you gain or lose weight is determined not only by your calorie balance or exercise routine, but also by a combination of several factors. Some of these are genetic...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Bewegung Abnehmen

Is exercise enough to lose weight?

Almost every one of us is probably in a situation from time to time where we no longer feel completely comfortable in our own body and would like to shed...

Nicolas Dworak

Is exercise enough to lose weight?

Almost every one of us is probably in a situation from time to time where we no longer feel completely comfortable in our own body and would like to shed...

Nicolas Dworak