"Planetary Health Diet" is the name of the new nutritional concept that focuses on global health and the well-being of the planet . The idea behind it is simple: our diet has a significant impact on both our health and the environment. Therefore, it should be designed in such a way that both – health and nature – benefit from it.
Learn why this concept is so important and how it works.
What exactly is the Planetary Health Diet?
A diet that is good for people and for the earth is what the "Planetary Health Diet" is all about. A concept that comes from the non-profit start-up EAT and is based on the results of an international study .
In contrast to known diets, the focus here is not only on people, but also on the well-being of our planet. On the one hand, the focus is on the health of the population and, on the other hand, it is about conserving the earth's resources .
Why do we need a holistic nutritional concept?
Global food production faces the challenge of keeping up with the growth of the population and providing all people with sufficient food if possible. Although this has been successful so far, so that the majority of humanity has enough to eat, the way the industry is currently operating is not doing anything good for people or the environment.
Unhealthy diet that makes you sick
While some do not get enough to eat and suffer from a lack of food, others eat far too much and/or poor-quality food. This type of malnutrition and constant overconsumption inevitably leads to increasing rates of illness and death . Meanwhile, an unhealthy diet is considered the main cause of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other known diseases.
Respectful treatment of nature and its resources
The global food industry is one of the greatest threats to the stability of our valuable ecosystem. As already mentioned, our population is growing steadily. This also means that more and more free natural land must be converted into agricultural land in order to be able to adequately feed all people.
Animal breeding in particular plays an important role
It is therefore the responsibility of the food industry, as well as each individual food manufacturer, to develop a sustainable concept for people and the environment .
At VERIVAL, we are also constantly optimising our manufacturing processes with the lowest possible ecological footprint . We deliberately rely on high-quality, healthy organic ingredients that are good for people and nature. Because with our 360-degree social responsibility , we are committed to treating our environment with respect. In this way, we want to help ensure that our planet remains liveable for many generations to come.
The optimal meal plan for people and nature
Most studies on this topic agree: a diet that benefits both global health and nature is predominantly plant-based rather than animal-based.
In addition, the optimal diet contains only a few saturated fatty acids, simple carbohydrates, highly processed foods and added sugars.
If we were to imagine the "Planetary Health Diet" on a plate, it would be half full of fruits and vegetables . The other half is mostly made up of whole grains and vegetable protein sources , as well as healthy vegetable oils and fats. Optionally, a small portion may consist of animal proteins such as milk and dairy products or meat and fish.
In short, the " Planetary Health Diet" is a flexitarian diet . This means that it is largely plant-based, but can also contain modest amounts of fish, meat and dairy products.
With our numerous vegan products , we at VERIVAL also contribute to a healthy, plant-based diet . Our range offers a wide selection for different tastes and thus makes it much easier to implement a "Planetary Health Diet".
The path to a "Planetary Health Diet"
With the "Planetary Health Diet", there is not ONE solution for all people worldwide. Rather, the local conditions and possibilities must be taken into account. For example, in the richer industrial nations, it is important to reduce the excessive consumption of unhealthy foods such as red meat and sugar. On the other hand, people in poorer regions of the world rely on animal protein from livestock to prevent malnutrition.
Taking these circumstances into account, the big goal is to increase the consumption of plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains and to greatly reduce animal foods . Only then can we optimally use the existing agricultural land to feed the population without destroying other natural habitats.

The following strategies, among others, should contribute to the success of this goal:
Healthy food for all
In the first step, healthy food must be accessible to all people. With our deliciously balanced and diverse VERIVAL breakfast creations, we want to achieve just that: healthy breakfast that is also good for nature, for everyone! Because in the recipes for our porridge , muesli and crunchy , we rely on organic ingredients in premium quality.
Quality over quantity
The primary goal of the food industry is to produce enough calories to adequately supply the growing population. In the future, however, the focus will be more on diversity and quality . Instead of producing large quantities of a single cereal as feed for livestock, biodiversity should be promoted.
Together with our farmers, we at VERIVAL support this goal and ensure more diversity by growing old cereals .
Sustainable in production
Use fertilizer and water efficiently, promote biodiversity and protect the natural habitat of wildlife. This is what sustainable food production is all about, among other things .
Organic agriculture is already making an important contribution to this, for example by avoiding chemical pesticides and artificial fertilizers . That is why we are mighty proud that we rely on the many advantages of organic farming in our VERIVAL breakfast products , and pay attention to the most gentle handling of our valuable habitat.