Local superfood, energy supplier and probably the healthiest breakfast there is. Oatmeal or oats have meanwhile become a staple in the breakfast landscape. The many benefits that oats bring have spread to many people in the meantime. Even athletes no longer want to do without the energy bomb oats.
But why is oat really so healthy and what makes it the local superfood that we all love? We'll answer these questions and more in our blog post today.
Oatmeal as the perfect breakfast
Whether as porridge or in cereal, oatmeal has become a classic among breakfast products . Oatmeal is perfect as a healthy breakfast . More and more people are starting their day with a warm porridge. With plenty of fruit, the daily requirement for vitamins can often be met very quickly and effectively.
For athletes, oats have now become a fixture in the menu. Oats provide an extremely high amount of energy, which is extremely important for building muscle.
For many athletes, nutrition is extremely crucial for performance – in competitive sports, it is now customary to eat according to a strict plan, which is also perfectly coordinated with experts.
Oatmeal has an extremely high nutritional value – this means it provides the body with high-quality vitamins and important minerals. It also has a high saturation effect.
5 Benefits of Oatmeal
So oatmeal is a real superfood and has many advantages. Not only is oats very healthy, but they are also mostly grown regionally, so they simply leave other superfoods behind. Due to the good ecological footprint, you not only look after your body but also the environment at the same time. In addition, the right preparation of oatmeal for breakfast is super easy.
We have summarized the best 5 benefits of oats and oatmeal below.
1. Oats are the magic bullet for weight loss
For many people, diets are usually tough and, above all, annoying . Often, the wrong diets do not lead to the desired results. However, oats can help you lose weight – and it's not too difficult to implement.
If you eat oatmeal directly for breakfast – preferably in porridge form, because a hot breakfast can also help you to live a healthier and more vital life – you will feel full for longer and can save yourself annoying snacks.
Oatmeal also gives you a lot of energy . The high nutrient content of oats is responsible for this. So it's not just a lot of energy but also extremely high-quality.
The long-chain carbohydrates contained in oats are very important for your body and make you feel full for longer. Fat burning is also boosted by this. What can't oats actually do?
2. Oats prevent and help you deal with diabetes
Especially for people with diabetes , oatmeal is an indispensable part of their diet. The high proportion of beta-glucan in oats is considered insulin-saving or insulin-sparing.
After eating, the blood sugar level increases many times less when you eat oats. Since natural insulin production is inhibited in diabetics, oats and their beta-glucan are a great help.
Even for people who are at risk of developing diabetes, oats are the perfect addition to the diet. Because if you prevent early enough, you will have fewer problems later.

3. The natural cholesterol-lowering oats
Oatmeal is considered a cholesterol-lowering agent . They actively help to keep blood lipid levels balanced . Cholesterol and triglycerides are vital components of the blood.
Excessively high cholesterol levels lead to fatigue of blood vessels . The consequences of this are that deposits form and you have an increased chance of heart attacks or strokes. Again, beta-glucan is the most important part for prevention.
Betaglucan binds bile acid and water, which have the task of dissolving fat in the body . So by ingesting oats and beta-glucan, you support natural cholesterol reduction.
One serving of cereal or oat porridge contains 3-5 grams of beta-glucan. With regular consumption of oats, you will notice a positive development relatively quickly .
4. Oatmeal as a digestive aid
Oatmeal helps with the high fiber content as a true digestive aid . The only important thing is that you don't forget to drink enough!
Oatmeal is still considered a proven home remedy today. Especially in gastrointestinal diseases , they can relieve discomfort .
The indigestible fibers contained in the oatmeal keep the acidic gastric juice away from the mucous membrane like a protective layer. In addition, boiled oatmeal with water or milk stimulates digestion.
5. Oats help and prevent many diseases
Whether diabetes, heart disease, or intestinal disease – oats provide relief in many cases . With the many healthy substances that are contained in oats, you really prevent many diseases.
With the many antioxidants, you can prevent high blood pressure. This happens due to a higher production of nitrogen oxide. The gas molecule nitric oxide widens the blood vessels and thus improves blood flow.
In addition, the consumption of oats can prevent inflammation and itching . In general, antioxidants are good for protecting the body from free radicals, premature tissue aging, and even cancer.
Healthy breakfast with oats – you're sure to succeed!

Basic recipe: oatmeal
- 250 ml milk or a plant-based alternative for vegans (oat milk, almond milk, soy milk,...)
- 50 g oatmeal (grams of oatmeal)
- 1 pinch of salt
- 2 tsp agave syrup optional
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon of your choice
Boil the oatmeal with the pinch of salt and the sweetener of your choice in the milk or plant drink (preferably with constant stirring). Cooking the cereal flakes only with hot water is also a possible variant.
Let the porridge steep for 3 minutes.
Empty the porridge into a bowl and sprinkle with cinnamon.
Nutritional values
We have now discussed at length that oats are probably the healthiest and only real local superfood . But how can you best incorporate oats into your breakfast?
In principle, it is not difficult to incorporate oats into your diet . If you don't like breakfast, you don't have to do without oats.
So there are many delicious recipes with oats that fit better in the evening, such as oat-Zucchini pancakes from the pan. In principle, however , oats are best suited for breakfast .
How about an oat drink instead of conventional milk in coffee or tea? Smoothies also taste great with an oat drink. Simply use an oat drink instead of water and enjoy.

Recipe: Homemade oat milk
Carafe or bottle for storage
- 100 g organic oatmeal
- 1 l water
- A little more water (to soak the oatmeal)
- 1 Date
- 1 pinch of salt
- Vanilla flavor (optional)
Soak the oatmeal in water for about 15 minutes.
The oatmeal comes together with a date, a pinch of salt, and about a liter of water in your blender. If you like, you can add some vanilla flavoring to easily turn your oat drink into a vanilla variant. Blend the ingredients in the blender for about 1 minute.
Finally, take a strainer and a bowl and pass the oat milk through the strainer so that all lumps are filtered out of the plant milk and the clear oat milk is collected in the bowl.
And you can enjoy your cereal, your overnight oats or your warm porridge with your own oat milk.
Nutritional values
Speaking of smoothies – have you ever tried adding oatmeal to your smoothie ? If not, then you've missed out on something, because the small flakes not only taste wonderful, they also add a proper brunch to your smoothie. A real recommendation!
If you don't like to drink smoothies, you might be more of a porridge fan. So our porridges are not only our first choice. Whether porridge especially for athletes with a lot of proteins or, for example, our strawberry chia porridge – with us, everyone will find the right dose of oats. Or get inspired by Overnight Oats ideas .
Oats are also a welcome guest in muesli and muesli bars. That's why Bircher cereal is so healthy – fresh apples and oatmeal combined with the extremely gentle preparation make the Bircher cereal a real hit!