The currant – also called ribisel in many places – is a true miracle berry. It is full of valuable vitamins and nutrients. A distinction is made between different varieties of currants. Blackcurrants are particularly popular due to their health benefits and tart taste.
By the way: The sounding name "currant" comes from the so-called St. John's Day (June 24), because around this day you can already harvest the first berries of the early varieties. Late varieties can be picked during August or even in early September.
Currants bear a lot of fruit and from mid-June to August, at the beginning of September, the varieties are ripe. The berry is ideal as a tasty ingredient in your cereal , granola or porridge for a healthy breakfast . We'll show you everything you need to know about the berry.
Where does the currant come from?
The currant belongs to the gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae). Gooseberry plants include the species known in German as currant (Ribisel) and gooseberry.
Did you know: From the crossing of blackcurrant and gooseberry, a new breeding took place: the josta berry.
Currants are used as a soft fruit or ornamental plant. A distinction is made between different types of currant. The Ribes Rubrum, the red currant, is particularly popular in Europe and is suitable for the home garden.

The red currant is strong in aroma and has a sweet and sour taste. The blackcurrant, ribes nigrum, is another species from the genus of the blackcurrant. A black berry is often found in France, Eurasia and England. Black berries have been planted in the gardens of Europe since the 16th century.
What should be considered when planting and when do the red and black currants bloom?
Planting in autumn or early spring is ideal. In addition to the right planting time, it is also important to add compost or long-term fertiliser to the planting hole for a good start. Very important: The plant must be watered well and the soil best covered with mulch. Currant bushes are then also hardy when planted in the ground. You should also fertilize the shrubs two to three times a year – ideally with organic berry fertilizer, some rotted manure, horn shavings or nettle hush. Since currant bushes are shallow-rooted, further cultivation of the soil is discouraged, as roots could be destroyed.
Red and black currants bloom in spring. The ripening of the fruits takes place in summer. Both in spring and in summer, the currant bushes need sufficient fresh soil. Make sure that no water gets on the leaves of the currants when watering, because this would promote the infestation with fungal diseases. The currants must be protected from birds in any case, birds love the berries of the currants. To do this, simply cover the bushes of the currants with a net.
Cutting the berry bushes is also not difficult. Regular pruning and a good supply of nutrients strengthen the resistance to diseases and pests and the growth of the shrubs. The lower side shoots and the shoots that have grown too dense in the upper area can be removed. The cut should be made just above the healthy bud of the currants (red and black). This allows the wound to heal quickly. The plants are sensitive to grey mould. The pathogens enter the currants through injuries to the plant. In spring, the berry can become less easily infected and thus this time is more suitable for pruning.
What types of currants are there?
A distinction is made between red, white and black currants. Red and white currants are not as rich in vitamins as black currants. While the red currants taste sour to sour, the black currants contain less acid and have a light and tart aroma. Black currants are often processed into nectar, syrup, jelly or sweets. Nevertheless, red currants are also very popular as jam.

White currants are particularly sweet. The thick flesh protects the berry. For example, the white berries, also called white Versailles, can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. Red and white currants usually bloom between June and August. Ripe red currants are deep red. The white currants appear yellow to whitish when ripe and are particularly soft. The berries may only be picked in the dry, otherwise they can spoil quickly. So please let it stand in the rain.
Black currants ripen regionally between June and July. With dark berries, not all berries ripen at the same time. While some berries are already ripe, you still have to let others stand. Ripe berries are deep black and very soft.
Here are some examples of popular currant varieties
- ‘Rovada’: Long grape variety, medium red, rainproof, excellent aroma
- ‘Jonkheer van tets': ripening time already from the end of June, large berries
- ‘Rolan’: High yields, early maturity, very sour
- ‘Heinemanns Rote Spätlese’: harvest during August, medium sized, bright red berries
- ‘Titania’: It is considered to be very robust against diseases, productive and vigorous
- ‘Ometa’: Robust variety, ripening from the middle, end of July
- ‘Silvergieters’: Robust and strong, rich harvest, harvest time already from the beginning of July
White currants
- ‘White Versailles’: Medium sized berries, from mid-July, early August ready for harvest, sour to sweet
How healthy are currants?
Blackcurrant is considered the healthiest of berries. The currants contain the highest proportion of vitamin C. A handful of blackberries already covers your half-day requirement of vitamin C. Therefore, currants are a good addition to topping your healthy oatmeal . In addition, the berry contains proteins and a lot of healthy minerals such as:
- Anthocyanins, phytochemicals
- Vitamin C
- Citric acid
- Pectin
- Terpenes
Due to the low calorie density, the berries are also often distorted by people who want to lose weight. For example, you can mix them with your nutritious cereal and some oatmeal for a healthy breakfast . In addition, the high proportion of vitamin C helps to transport the fat from the fat cells. The fiber has a positive effect on digestion.
The insulin level also remains almost constant due to consumption. Whether raspberries , strawberries , cranberries or blackberries , all berries have a low glycemic index and are ideal for losing weight.
Nutrition Facts – Sugar Content in Currants
In the following table you will find the content of energy and simple sugars as well as double sugars per 100 g of blackcurrant, whitecurrant and redcurrant.
Energy (kcal) | Glucose (g) | Fructose (g) | Sucrose (g) | Total sugar (g) | |
Blackcurrant raw | 40 | 2.4 | 3.2 | 0.7 | 6.3 |
Blackcurrant cooked | 40 | 2.3 | 3.1 | 0.7 | 6.3 |
Blackcurrant Fruit Juice | 43 | 2.2 | 2.9 | 2 | 6.2 |
White currant raw | 41 | 3.1 | 3 | 0.6 | 6.7 |
White currant cooked | 40 | 3.1 | 3 | 0.6 | 6.7 |
White currant fruit juice | 44 | 2.9 | 2.8 | 1.9 | 6.6 |
White currant fruit nectar | 52 | 0.7 | 0.7 | 10.5 | 1.6 |
White currant jam | 271 | 1.1 | 1.1 | 63.2 | 2.5 |
Whitecurrant tinned | 74 | 1.4 | 1.3 | 14 | 3 |
Redcurrant raw | 33 | 2 | 2.5 | 0.3 | 4.8 |
Red currant cooked | 32 | 2 | 2.5 | 0.3 | 4.8 |
Redcurrant Fruit Juice | 37 | 1.9 | 2.3 | 1.6 | 4.7 |
Redcurrant Fruit Nectar | 55 | 2.7 | 2.9 | 7.3 | 12.9 |
Red currant jam | 259 | 17.8 | 16 | 25.3 | 59.1 |
Redcurrant tinned | 70 | 0.9 | 1.1 | 13.9 | 2.1 |
How healthy is the currant – the benefits of the currant for your health at a glance
Secondary phytochemicals
Blackcurrant is full of phytochemicals such as anthocyanins and flavonoids. The plant substances of currants strengthen the cardiovascular system. 1 Potassium, iron, the fiber pectin and fruit acids are also abundant in the currants. This is how this local superfood supports you in a healthy diet!
Anti-inflammatory currants
The blackcurrant is anti-inflammatory. The anthocyanins cause the black purple color. The phytochemicals of currants have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and protect against cancer. Anthocyanins have an anti-inflammatory effect and can ward off harmful substances. Athletes also benefit from the secondary plant substances of currants. The black berries protect against muscle soreness in particular.
In addition, the black berries contain a lot of iron, which supports oxygen transport. In addition, potassium, magnesium and calcium are supplied for sufficient energy. The taste of the black berries goes perfectly with sweet desserts and savory meat dishes.
Vitamin Bomb
Currants are rich in vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin C,...). Above all, the black berries are real vitamin bombs in terms of a high vitamin C content. They have significantly more vitamin C than their red and white siblings and also significantly more than oranges. This way, the berries also protect against colds.
Versatile use and preparation of currant
Especially the tart taste of blackcurrant is ideal for sweet desserts. The tart taste can be perfectly combined with a delicious breakfast cereal or porridge. The black berries are a vitamin- and nutrient-rich topping , ideal for athletes and all breakfast lovers.
Verival has a lot of delicious muesli and porridges in its range which can be perfectly combined with the blackcurrant. You can stir the currants into your porridge in frozen form , or add them to your cereal as a topping on hot summer days.

Smoothie bowl with berries
- 1 frozen banana
- 200 g berries
- 150 ml plant-based drink
- 1 tbsp flaxseed
- 2 tbsp oatmeal
Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix them well until a creamy consistency is formed.
Then place the smoothie in a bowl.
You can refine the smoothie bowl with toppings of your choice.
How do I best store and care for the currants?
The storage of currants depends on the variety. The white berries have a thick flesh and can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Harvested currants keep in a cool place for up to two days, but should be processed quickly.
Otherwise, the valuable ingredients of the currants can be lost. The small leaves should remain at the root of the shrub and new flowers and fruits will form from the buds next year.
What should I look for when buying currants?
Ideally, the berries come from regional cultivation without the use of fertilizers. The berries can be distorted in the months of June to August. If you also fancy the tasty berries during the other months of the year, you should rather use the frozen version. Of course, you can also plant your own shrub of currants in the garden.
Can I also plant currants at home?

The currant can also be planted at home. The red and white varieties have similar location requirements as the black berries. You need a sunny to semi-shaded, wind-protected location. The soil should be slightly acidic, waterlogging must be avoided but also dryness.
Currants need sufficient light and air. The more sun the berries get, the sweeter they ripen. Black varieties prefer a sunny, wind-protected location on humus soils. Too much heat, waterlogging and dryness must be avoided.
Currants bloom in early spring. In April, late frost, heat and drought can cause the shrubs to shed their flowers already. Currants should be planted as early as autumn, as they bloom very early in the year.
The individual plants need a lot of light and air, so you should plant the berries in gaps. The distance should be at least 1.50 m. You can plant three to four young shoots per shrub. No more than four shrubs are needed for a family to obtain sufficient juice and jelly from the currants.
Conclusion: Currants are super tasty, ideal for losing weight and are great as a tasty topping for organic cereals and porridge from Verival. So you can provide yourself with healthy vitamins and minerals in the morning and start the day fit. If you don't want to buy the small berries and have a garden, you can of course plant your own currants.
In addition to jam, jam, red grits, juices and sweets, ribs can also be used to make a wonderful currant chutney.
1.Basu A, Rhone M, Lyons TJ. Berries: emerging impact on cardiovascular health. Nutrition Reviews . Published online March 2010:168-177. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2010.00273.x
Frequently Asked Questions
How healthy is the currant?
In a word, VERY! Blackcurrant is full of phytochemicals such as anthocyanins and flavonoids. The plant substances of currants strengthen the cardiovascular system. Potassium, iron, the fiber pectin and fruit acids are also abundant in the currants. The blackcurrant is anti-inflammatory. The anthocyanins cause the black purple color. The phytochemicals of currants have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and protect against cancer. Anthocyanins have an anti-inflammatory effect and can ward off harmful substances. Athletes also benefit from the secondary plant substances of currants. The black berries protect against muscle soreness in particular. In addition, currants contain a lot of iron, which supports oxygen transport. In addition, potassium, magnesium and calcium are supplied for sufficient energy. The taste of the berries goes perfectly with sweet desserts and savory meat dishes.
What is blackcurrant good for?
The anthocyanins (water-soluble plant dyes) are responsible for the black-purple coloration of the berries. Blackcurrant is full of phytochemicals such as anthocyanins and flavonoids. These strengthen the cardiovascular system. Potassium, iron, the fiber pectin and fruit acids are also abundant. Blackcurrant is also anti-inflammatory. Athletes also benefit from the secondary plant substances of currants. The black berries protect against muscle soreness in particular.
How and when to cut currants?
Cutting the berry bushes is not difficult. Regular pruning and a good supply of nutrients strengthen the resistance to diseases and pests and the growth of the shrubs. The lower side shoots and the shoots that have grown too dense in the upper area can be removed. The cut should be made just above the healthy bud of the currants (red and black). This allows the wound to heal quickly. The plants are sensitive to grey mould. The pathogens enter the currants through injuries to the plant. In spring, the berry can become less easily infected and thus this time is more suitable for pruning.
Which currants are the healthiest?
There are no doubt the blackcurrants. They contain potassium, iron, fibre and phytochemicals, which strengthen the cardiovascular system and also have anti-inflammatory effects. A handful of black currants every day and you'll be at the forefront of your vitamin C. Blackcurrants contain 5 times as much vitamin C as red ones.
Are currants good for the gut?
All currants have a high pectin content. Thanks to this high proportion of fibre, they stimulate your digestion. Blackcurrants do this in particular. They are attributed to have a soothing effect on diarrhoea.
How to fertilize currants?
Two to three times a year you should fertilize currants – ideally with organic berry fertilizer, some rotted manure, horn shavings or even nettle hush. Since currant bushes are shallow-rooted, further cultivation of the soil is discouraged, as roots could be destroyed.
How old can a currant bush get?
With good care and suitable location, the gooseberry plant can live up to 18 years old. Even then, the shrubs can still bear fruit well if the conditions are ideal. Cutting back, fertilisation and good care are of course also partly responsible for this.
How do I recognize old shoots in currants?
The young shoots can be recognized by the lighter brown bark, because older shoots have usually already taken on a dark brown color. The lower side shoots and the shoots that have grown too dense in the upper area can be removed. The cut should be made just above the healthy bud of the currants (red and black). This allows the wound to heal quickly.
Are currants draining?
In addition to many other health-promoting properties, currants also have a draining effect. In addition, currants contain a lot of iron, which supports oxygen transport. In addition, potassium, magnesium and calcium are supplied for sufficient energy. So currants strengthen your immune system and even have an anti-inflammatory effect (blackcurrant).
Are currants good for diabetes?
Berries in general and especially currants are relatively low in carbohydrates and are therefore well suited for a diabetic's diet. Other fruits contain much more fructose (i.e. fructose/ carbohydrates).
Are currants laxative?
Yes, the red currants have a draining and slightly laxative effect. In general, the fruits of the currant bush are rich in fiber, vitamins (especially vitamin C) and salicylic acid (it has an anti-inflammatory and corneal-dissolving effect - currants therefore also have a positive effect on a beautiful skin appearance).
Are currants good for the heart?
Yes, because they contain potassium, iron, fiber and phytochemicals, which strengthen the cardiovascular system and also have anti-inflammatory effects. A handful of currants, especially from the black berries and you do something good for your heart and vessels. They also have a positive effect on your cholesterol level, which in turn protects you from cardiovascular disease.
Are currants good for the blood?
Especially the dark (black) currants can positively influence your blood count. They contain an extremely high amount of vitamin C and thus counteract anaemia (anaemia). They are also anti-inflammatory and boost metabolism and digestion.